API documentation generator for Yii 2

This extension provides an API documentation generator for the Yii framework 2.0.

For license information check the LICENSE-file.

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The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-apidoc

The above command may not work on an existing project due to version conflicts that need to be resolved, so it is preferred to add the package manually to the require section of your composer.json:

"yiisoft/yii2-apidoc": "~2.1.0"

afterwards run composer update. You may also run composer update yiisoft/yii2-apidoc cebe/markdown if you want to avoid updating unrelated packages.


This extension offers two commands:

  • api to generate class API documentation.
  • guide to render nice HTML pages from markdown files such as the yii guide.

Simple usage for stand alone class documentation:

vendor/bin/apidoc api source/directory ./output

Simple usage for stand alone guide documentation:

vendor/bin/apidoc guide source/docs ./output

You can combine them to generate class API and guide documentation in one place:

# generate API docs
vendor/bin/apidoc api source/directory ./output
# generate the guide (order is important to allow the guide to link to the apidoc)
vendor/bin/apidoc guide source/docs ./output

By default the bootstrap template will be used. You can choose a different template with the --template=name parameter. Currently there is only the bootstrap template available.

You may also add the yii\apidoc\commands\ApiController and GuideController to your console application command map and run them inside of your applications console app.

Generating docs from multiple sources

The apidoc generator can use multiple directories, so you can generate docs for your application and include the yii framework docs to enable links between your classes and framework classes. This also allows @inheritdoc to work for your classes that extend from the framework. Use the following command to generate combined api docs:

./vendor/bin/apidoc api ./vendor/yiisoft/yii2,. docs/json --exclude="docs,vendor"

This will read the source files from ./vendor/yiisoft/yii2 directory and . which is the current directory (you may replace this with the location of your code if it is not in the current working directory).

Advanced usage

The following script can be used to generate API documentation and guide in different directories and also multiple guides in different languages (like it is done on yiiframework.com):


# set these paths to match your environment

./apidoc api $YII_PATH/framework/,$YII_PATH/extensions $OUTPUT/api --guide=../guide-en --guidePrefix= --interactive=0
./apidoc guide $YII_PATH/docs/guide    $OUTPUT/guide-en --apiDocs=../api --guidePrefix= --interactive=0
./apidoc guide $YII_PATH/docs/guide-ru $OUTPUT/guide-ru --apiDocs=../api --guidePrefix= --interactive=0
# repeat the last line for more languages

Creating a PDF of the guide

You need pdflatex and GNU make for this.

vendor/bin/apidoc guide source/docs ./output --template=pdf
cd ./output
make pdf

If all runs without errors the PDF will be guide.pdf in the output dir.

Special Markdown Syntax

We have a special Syntax for linking to classes in the API documentation. See the code style guide for details.

Creating your own templates


Using the model layer


Class Reference

Class Description
yii\apidoc\commands\ApiController Generate class API documentation.
yii\apidoc\commands\GuideController This command can render documentation stored as markdown files such as the yii guide or your own applications documentation setup.
yii\apidoc\components\BaseController Command to render API Documentation files
yii\apidoc\helpers\ApiIndexer ApiIndexer indexes framework API
yii\apidoc\helpers\ApiMarkdown A Markdown helper with support for class reference links.
yii\apidoc\helpers\ApiMarkdownLaTeX A Markdown helper with support for class reference links.
yii\apidoc\helpers\ApiMarkdownTrait Class ApiMarkdownTrait
yii\apidoc\helpers\IndexFileAnalyzer IndexFileAnalyzer analyzes index file with TOC. Typically README.md.
yii\apidoc\helpers\MarkdownHighlightTrait MarkdownHighlightTrait provides code highlighting functionality for Markdown Parsers.
yii\apidoc\helpers\PrettyPrinter Enhances the phpDocumentor PrettyPrinter with short array syntax
yii\apidoc\models\BaseDoc Base class for API documentation information.
yii\apidoc\models\ClassDoc Represents API documentation information for a class.
yii\apidoc\models\ConstDoc Represents API documentation information for a constant.
yii\apidoc\models\EventDoc Represents API documentation information for an event.
yii\apidoc\models\FunctionDoc Represents API documentation information for a function.
yii\apidoc\models\InterfaceDoc Represents API documentation information for an interface.
yii\apidoc\models\MethodDoc Represents API documentation information for a method.
yii\apidoc\models\ParamDoc Represents API documentation information for a function or method param.
yii\apidoc\models\PropertyDoc Represents API documentation information for a property.
yii\apidoc\models\TraitDoc Represents API documentation information for a trait.
yii\apidoc\models\TypeDoc Base class for API documentation information for classes, interfaces and traits.
yii\apidoc\renderers\ApiRenderer Base class for all API documentation renderers
yii\apidoc\renderers\BaseRenderer Base class for all documentation renderers
yii\apidoc\renderers\GuideRenderer Base class for all Guide documentation renderers
yii\apidoc\templates\bootstrap\RendererTrait Common methods for renderers
yii\apidoc\templates\bootstrap\SideNavWidget Nav renders a nav HTML component.
yii\apidoc\templates\bootstrap\assets\AssetBundle The asset bundle for the offline template.
yii\apidoc\templates\bootstrap\assets\HighlightBundle The asset bundle for the highlight.js styles.
yii\apidoc\templates\bootstrap\assets\JsSearchAsset The asset bundle for the offline template.
yii\apidoc\templates\html\ApiRenderer The base class for HTML API documentation renderers.
yii\apidoc\templates\json\ApiRenderer The class for outputting documentation data structures as a JSON text.