- Multi level linkage, support ajax request and data cache, dynamic <select>construct, self defined tips as the first<option>, the only one <option>selected automatically, self defined callback function when onChange event triggered.
- jQuery v1.6+
Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
- See changes
- linkagesel.zip including chinese-district data of js and postgres
- GitHub Repository
- Usage: var linkageSel = new LinkageSel(opts);
- opts params:
param name type default value optional comment data Object null √ local js data. can be used with 'ajax' param url String √ remote url address, get all data at one time ajax String √ remote url address for ajax autoBind Boolean true √ whether constrct next level <select> automatically autoHide Boolean true √ whether hide next levevl <select> which has not items hideWidth Boolean true √ whether release the postion width if set 'autoHide' to TRUE. (true->'display:none'||false-> 'visibility:hidden') autoLink Boolean true √ whether linkage to next level if only one item exists defVal Integer|Array true √ default selected value. integer for first <select>, array for multi <select> head String|Number|false Please select.. √ the first <option> name. blank string ('') is valid level Integer 20 √ limit to avoid Infinite loop loaderImg String images/ui-anim_basic_16x16.gif √ ajax loader image root Integer|Array √ root entry. invalid for ajax request select String|Array jQuery selector of array of selector selClass String √ class name for <select> which is constructed by code selStyle String √ css style for <select> which is constructed by code minWidth Integer 120 √ maxWidth Integer 300 √ fixWidth Integer 0 √ override effect defined by minWidth or maxWidth onChange Function √ callback function when onChange event fired mvcQuery Boolean false √ ajax request url compatible to MVC when set to true, eg. http://linkagesel.xiaozhong.biz/district/get_nodes/1 when 'ajax' set to 'district/get_nodes' dataReader Object {id: 'id', name: 'name', cell: 'cell'} √ You can define othe data key name , such as {id: 'gid', name: 'value', cell: 'subcell'} size Integer 0 √ Custom select's size property, not to be displayed -
method name param and type type of return chainable comment changeValues param1:Integer|Array
param2: Boolean[option=false]Object √ change option value by hand. param2 to determine fire callback funcion bind on onChange event or not getSelectedValue idx:Integer String return the value of the idx of <select> (begein from zero). the return value is from the last element if no param pass. return null if all element no selected item. getSelectedArr Array the return array include the value of all elements getSelectedData key: String
idx: Interger[option]Object get data of the selected item row. the return data will from the last elemnet which has valid selected item if pass zero to inx getSelectedDataArr key: String[option] Array get all of the element object or object value which has selected item, stop at the one which has no seleted item. if key is valid then return object[key] (type is int|string|null), if key not defined then return ojbect (typeis object|null) onChange callback: Function; √ callback function bind to onchange event on element. the variable this inner the function refer to the instance of LinkageSel (See Demo2) reset √ reset to init status resetAll √ reset to init status, including defVal and data
<script src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script src="js/comm.js"></script> <script src="js/linkagesel-min.js"></script>
Data structure
<script> { $id : {"name": $nameValue, "otherAttr": $otherAttrVal, "cell": { ... }, }; or { $id : {"id": $id, "name": $nameValue, "otherAttr": $otherAttrVal, "cell": { ... }, }; </script> $id is sequence index, used at <option value="$id"></option> the value of the "value" 'name' is used at <optio>NAME<option> 'otherAttr' is optional other key name, such as 'price', 'zip' 'cell' is optional key name which contains sub data row example: var data1 = { 1: {name: 'Vegetables', cell: { 10: {name: 'Spinach', price: 4 }, 11: {name: 'Eggplant', price: 5} } }; or var data1 = { 1: {id: 1, name: 'Vegetables', cell: { 10: {id: 10, name: 'Spinach', price: 4 }, 11: {id: 11, name: 'Eggplant', price: 5} } }; or var data1 = { 123: {id: 1, name: 'Vegetables', cell: { 234: {id: 10, name: 'Spinach', price: 4 }, 345: {id: 11, name: 'Eggplant', price: 5} } }; Vegetables (id==1) |-->Spinach (id==1, price==4) |-->Eggplant (id==10, price==5)You can define the key name by yourself pass dataReader
Demo1:Start simple one
get value of the last one which has selected item
get last attribute value of the valid last
get last attribute value of the valid last
<script> $(document).ready(function(){ var data1 = { 1: {name: 'Vegetables', cell: { 10: {name: 'Spinach', price: 4 }, 11: {name: 'Eggplant', price: 5} } }, 3: {name: 'Fruit', cell: { 20: {name: 'Apple', cell: {201: {name: 'china', price: 20} } } , 21: {name: 'Peach', cell: { 210: {name: 'Kiwi', price: 30}, 211: {name: 'Nectarine', price: 31}, } } } }, 9: {name: 'Food', cell: { 30: {name: 'Rice', cell: { 301: {name: 'USA', cell: {3001: {name: 'China', price: 50}} } } } } } }; var opts = { data: data1, select: '#demo1' }; var linkageSel1 = new LinkageSel(opts); $('#getSelectedValue').click(function() { var v = linkageSel.getSelectedValue(); alert(v); }); $('#getSelectedData').click(function() { var name = linkageSel.getSelectedData('name'), price = linkageSel.getSelectedData('price'); alert('name:' + name + ' price:' + price); }); }); </script>
Demo2:Chinese provience city 3 level chain, all data local, get attribute value on onChange
get the value of all <select> elements
<select id="demo2"></select> 地址:<input type="text" value="tip" id="tip" size="50" /> <input type="button" value="button3" id="getValueArr2"/> <script src="js/district-all.js"></script> <script> var opts = { data: districtData, // 'districtData' is the variable name assign in district-all.js selStyle: 'margin-left: 3px;', select: '#demo2' }; var linkageSel2 = new LinkageSel(opts); districtData = opts = null; $('#getValueArr2').click(function() { var arr = linkageSel2.getSelectedArr(); alert(arr.join(',')); }); linkageSel2.onChange(function() { var input = $('#tip'), d = this.getSelectedDataArr('name'), // this refer to linkageSel2 zip = this.getSelectedData('zip'), // zip of the last elm arr = []; for (var i = 0, len = d.length; i < len; i++) { arr.push(d[i]); } zip = zip ? ' zip:' + zip : ''; input.val(arr.join(' ') + zip); }); </script>
Demo3:Chinese provience city 3 level chain, all data from ajax request
<script> var opts = { ajax: 'district_crud.php?aj=15', selStyle: 'margin-left: 3px;', select: '#demo3' }; var linkageSel3 = new LinkageSel(opts); </script>
Demo4: 1st level local, others ajax get
<script> var data4 = {2: {name: 'Beijing'}, 4:{name: 'Hebei province'} }; var opts4 = { data: data4, ajax: 'district_crud.php?aj=15', // ajax+local data selStyle: 'margin-left: 3px;', select: '#demo4' }; new LinkageSel(opts4); </script>
Demo5: set default item
<script src="js/district-all.js"></script> <script> var opts5 = { data: districtData, selStyle: 'margin-left: 3px;', select: ['#demo5'], // can be Array defVal: [4] }; var linkageSel5 = new LinkageSel(opts5); </script>
Demo6: set default item, generate the 3rd element dynamically
<select id="demo61"></select> <select id="demo62"></select> <script> var opts6 = { data: districtData, select: [ '#demo61', '#demo62' ], // two static defVal: 4 }; var linkageSel6 = new LinkageSel(opts6); </script>
Demo7:set default items by pass array
<select id="demo7"></select> <script> var opts7 = { data: districtData, selStyle: 'margin-left: 3px;', select: '#demo7', defVal: [5, 256] // array }; var linkageSel7 = new LinkageSel(opts7); </script>
Demo8: define data entry
Shanxi Province:
Shanxi Province: <select id="demo8"></select> <script> var opts8 = { data: districtData, root: 5, // entry selStyle: 'margin-left: 3px;', select: '#demo8' }; var linkageSel8 = new LinkageSel(opts8); </script>
Demo9: define data entry, multi default item by pass array
Shanxi Province:
Shanxi Province: <select id="demo9"></select> <script> var opts9 = { data: districtData, root: 5, // entry selStyle: 'margin-left: 3px;', select: '#demo9', defVal: [256, 257] // two }; var linkageSel9 = new LinkageSel(opts9); </script>
Demo10: set multi data entries by pass array
Shanxi Province, Taiyuan city:
Shanxi Province, Taiyuan city: <select id="demo10"></select> <script> var opts10 = { data: districtData, root: [5, 256], // array selStyle: 'margin-left: 3px;', select: '#demo9', defVal: 257 }; var linkageSel10 = new LinkageSel(opts10); </script>
Demo11: fixed width
<select id="demo11"></select> <script> var opts11 = { data: districtData, selStyle: 'margin-left: 3px;', select: '#demo11', fixWidth: 200, // fixed head: 'Which one?' // tips }; var linkageSel11 = new LinkageSel(opts11); </script>
Demo12: no tips
<select id="demo12"></select> <script> var opts12 = { data: districtData, select: '#demo12', head: false // no tips }; var linkageSel12 = new LinkageSel(opts12); </script>
Demo13: get all data by ajax one time
<select id="demo13" > </select> <script> var opts13 = { select: '#demo13', url: 'exampledata.php' }; var linkageSel13 = new LinkageSel(opts13); </script>
Demo14: 1st level local data, others ajax get
<script src="js/district-level1.js"></script> <script> var opts14 = { data: districtData1, // districtData1 name assign in file district-level1.js ajax: 'district_crud.php?aj=15', selStyle: 'margin-left: 3px;', select: '#demo14' }; var linkageSel14 = new LinkageSel(opts14); </script>
Demo15: change selected item
<body> <button type="button" onclick="javascript: ls15.changeValues([23, 2244])">changeValues</button> </body> <script src="js/district-level1.js"></script> <script> var ls15; // must outside of ready() ! $(document).ready(function(){ var opts15 = { data: districtData1, ajax: 'district_crud.php?aj=15', selStyle: 'margin-left: 3px;', select: '#demo15' }; window.ls15 = new LinkageSel(opts15); }); </script>
Demo16:set data key name via dataReader
<script> $(document).ready(function(){ var data16 = { 1: {gid: 1, value: 'IBM', sub: { 10: {gid: 10, value: 'X3650'}, 11: {gid: 11, value: 'X3860'} } }, 3: {gid: 3, value: 'HP', sub: { 20: {gid: 20, value: '360'} , 21: {gid: 21, value: '380'} } }, 9: {gid: 9, value: 'DELL', sub: { 29: {gid: 29, value: 'R710'} 30: {gid: 30, value: 'R720'} } } }; var opts = { data: data16, select: "[name='demo16']", dataReader: {id: 'gid', name: 'value', cell: 'sub'} // self defined data key name }; var ls16 = new LinkageSel(opts); }); </script>
Demo17:set default items by pass array, fetching data by ajax. see diff from demo7
<select id="demo17"></select> <script> var opts17 = { //data: districtData, // demo7 ajax: 'district_crud.php?aj=15', selStyle: 'margin-left: 3px;', select: '#demo17', defVal: [5, 256, 257] }; var linkageSel17 = new LinkageSel(opts17); </script>
Demo18:no tips, default values
<select id="demo18"></select> <script> var opts18 = { data: districtData, select: '#demo18', defVal: [5, 256, 257], head: false // no tips }; var linkageSel18 = new LinkageSel(opts18); </script>